Culinary terms are more than just a chef’s expression. The words that are thrown in the kitchen hold a vital purpose, and that’s to make everything fall into its place quickly and make sure that the workers stay safe at the same time. It is used by all workers in the culinary sector such as chefs, servers, and restaurateurs (restaurant owners). So, it’s important  to understand some terms in culinary, ET Mates. 


You will find some strange vocabulary when you visit a fine-dining restaurant, or when you are working with a chef. It can be very surprising to know that there are so many beautiful vocabularies that we use only for food. But don’t worry, after a few minutes, you will be familiar with some fancy culinary terms that you might need in the future. 

Amuse Bouche


Amuse bouche is a French phrase that literally means “it amuses the mouth.” In culinary terms, Amuse Bouche is categorized as an appetizer. Unlike any normal appetizers, Amuse Bouche always comes with a surprise. It always “pops” inside your mouth, and gives you a mind-blowing taste. Also, the aromatic smells will tickle your nose with amusing fragrance. Now you know why they call it Amuse Bouche.

Also Read: Tips in Learning English Vocabulary – English Today Bali




Viennoiserie is a very specific part of pastry, and it is related to bakeries. It looks exactly like bread but it’s, actually, not. To distinguish which is which, viennoiseries are drier than most bread. Viennoiseries are made from flour, eggs, butter, milk, cream, and sugar, so it  tastes  richer than bread. The dough is laminated and glazed, so it looks shiny. 

Despite its difficult and strange name, you probably can find viennoiseries nearby because it’s everywhere. The examples of famous viennoiseries are croissants and pain au chocolat. You can take this advice, ET Mates: it is best to enjoy it with a cup of tea or coffee in the morning.

Chocolate: Praline and Bonbon.

/pra.lin/ and /bon.bon/

Petit gâteau or petits gâteau (plural) is also a French phrase. Flash news , ET Mates, by now you probably can guess  that culinary terms almost always originate from French  and are used internationally. Petit gateau means small cake. It is a style of pastry that is circled by all of the elements of a mousse cake. Petit gateau is categorized as a dessert. One of the famous petit gateau dishes is fondant cake or lava cake. Usually, it is served with cold, sweet vanilla ice cream and garnished with a cute strawberry on top. So mouth-watering!

Here we have touched on just a small part of the culinary terminology applied in English. What do you think, ET Mates? If you wish to learn more about English, you can visit our english course blog for more fun facts and information. We share fun facts, tips, and important information that could come in handy for you, ET Mates! 

Petit Gateau

/pə.tit. ga.tou/

Chocolate is a very general term. In culinary and pastry terms, we have specific names for chocolates. The first one is pralines. Praline is a part of confectionery (processed chocolate). The most common ingredients are culinary nuts, such as almonds and hazelnuts, sugar, and cream. It is served in small pieces and packed in a pretty box.  

Bonbon looks similar to praline. However, bonbon is not entirely chocolate. It is candy covered with chocolate. Also, most bonbons are sour, while pralines taste more dairy. Now that you know, you can be very specific about what you want in a chocolate store.